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      The FA Cup 1875/1876

      Player Stats

      No players found with statistics

      Team update

      TeamMatchdaySent ByDatePlayers
      105th Regiment- 
      Old Etonians- 
      Royal Engineers- 
      Cambridge University- 
      Reigate Priory- 
      Swifts FC- 
      Clapham Rovers- 
      Hertfordshire Rangers- 
      Sheffield FC- 
      Maidenhead United- 
      Upton Park FC- 
      Oxford University- 
      Leyton FC- 
      South Norwood- 
      Crystal Palace- 
      Liverpool Ramblers- 
      Southall FC- 
      1st Surrey Rifles- 
      Marlow FC- 
      Woodford Wells- 
      Pilgrims FC- 
      Wycombe Wanderers- 
      Civil Service- 
      Hitchin Town- 
      Harrow Chequers- 
      Shropshire Wanderers FC- 
      Rochester United- 
      Clydesdale FC- 
      Forest School-