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      Nottingham Forest

      mNottinghammestablished in 1865

      Competitions History

      Summary Premier League

      Total2250816 (36%)569 (25%)865 (38%)
      Home1125546 (49%)283 (25%)296 (26%)
      Away1125270 (24%)286 (25%)569 (51%)
      Penalty shoot-outs (P.S.) and coin-toss decisions (CT) are considered draws

      Competition Records

      Biggest home winDivision One 1908/09Nottingham Forest12-0Leicester City
      Biggest away winPremier League 1994/1995Sheffield Wed.1-7Nottingham Forest
      Worst away defeatDivision One 1899/00West Bromwich8-0Nottingham Forest
       Division One 1959/60Burnley8-0Nottingham Forest
      Worst home defeatPremier League 1998/1999Nottingham Forest1-8Manchester United

      General Info

      Number of seasons58
      Number of titles1
      Total games played2250
      Total wins816
      Total draws569
      Total losses865
      Total goals scored3149
      Total goals conceded3299


      Best finish1st Position - 1977/78
      Worst finish22th Position - 1992/93, 1971/72, 1924/25

      Goals Scored

      Most goals in a season76 Goals Scored - 1983/84
      Most goals conceded in a season81 Goals Scored - 1971/72
      Fewest goals scored in a season29 Goals Scored - 1924/25
      Fewest goals conceded in a season24 Goals Scored - 1977/78