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      World Cup Qualifiers (AFC) 2024

      World Cup Qualifiers (AFC)

      Market value


      Top Scorer

      1Myanmar selecionar jogador Soe Moe Kyaw52002122000025
      1Myanmar selecionar jogador Lwin Moe Aung62002572000025
      3Myanmar selecionar jogador Aung Kaung Mann41001220100013
      3Myanmar selecionar jogador Win Naing Tun61002330100013
      3Myanmar selecionar jogador Wai Lin Aung51002860100013
      3Myanmar selecionar jogador Nay Moe Naing71005581000013
      [MPD=Matches Played, G=Goals Scored, PEN=Penalties scored, OG=Own Goals, MPG=Minutes-per-goal, GST=, GSUB=Goals as sub, GPTS=Goals that guaranteed a point, MW=Matchwinners, CBK=Equalising goals, PGE=Percentage of team goals]
      [Last updated: 2024-09-14 at 04:09]
      The goals per game average only considers players who have played:: 5 Matches Played