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mFirenzemestablished in 1926

Competitions History

Summary Serie A

Total29601165 (39%)888 (30%)907 (31%)
Home1481808 (55%)409 (28%)264 (18%)
Away1479357 (24%)479 (32%)643 (43%)
Penalty shoot-outs (P.S.) and coin-toss decisions (CT) are considered draws

Competition Records

Biggest home winSerie A 1941/42Fiorentina8-0Modena FC 2018
Biggest away winSerie A 1958/59Torino0-6Fiorentina
 Serie A 1963/64Atalanta1-7Fiorentina
Worst away defeatSerie A 1928/29Juventus11-0Fiorentina
Worst home defeatSerie A 2011/12Fiorentina0-5Juventus

General Info

Number of seasons88
Number of titles2
Total games played2960
Total wins1165
Total draws888
Total losses907
Total goals scored4106
Total goals conceded3482


Best finish1st Position - 1968/69, 1955/56
Worst finish17th Position - 2001/02, 1946/47

Goals Scored

Most goals in a season95 Goals Scored - 1958/59
Most goals conceded in a season95 Goals Scored - 1928/29
Fewest goals scored in a season26 Goals Scored - 1978/79, 1970/71, 1928/29
Fewest goals conceded in a season16 Goals Scored - 1945/46