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mTorinomestablished in 1897

Competitions History

Summary Serie A

Total32791808 (55%)879 (27%)592 (18%)
Home16391133 (69%)348 (21%)158 (10%)
Away1640675 (41%)531 (32%)434 (26%)
Penalty shoot-outs (P.S.) and coin-toss decisions (CT) are considered draws

Competition Records

Biggest home winSerie A 1928/29Juventus11-0US Fiumana
 Serie A 1928/29Juventus11-0Fiorentina
Biggest away winSerie A 1950/51Pro Patria0-7Juventus
Worst away defeatSerie A 1953/54Internazionale6-0Juventus
Worst home defeatSerie A 1949/50Juventus1-7Milan

General Info

Number of seasons101
Number of titles36
Total games played3279
Total wins1808
Total draws879
Total losses592
Total goals scored5800
Total goals conceded3083

Goals Scored

Most goals in a season103 Goals Scored - 1950/51
Most goals conceded in a season56 Goals Scored - 2009/10, 1961/62
Fewest goals scored in a season0 Goals Scored - 1923/24, 1904/05
Fewest goals conceded in a season0 Goals Scored - 1923/24, 1904/05